ServicesYearExpertiseclientsProject TitleCountry
Final Evaluation2023HealthMalteser InternationalSyria
Final Evaluation2022Health / MHPSSHandicap InternationalImproving protection and health of conflict-affected persons through mine action and physical rehabilitation, psychosocial and prosthetic services in the North-West and North-East of Syria.Syria
Third Party Monitoring2021Food SecurityInternational Rescue CommitteeUSAID-FFP Program - Third Party Monitoring (TPM) Integrated Food Security in Northeast Syria - Response and RecoverySyria
Training2020PHASTCare InternationalParticipatory Hygiene and Sanitation Transformation (PHAST) Training and ManualIraq
Final Evaluation2020Health / GenderCare InternationalSupport for conflict affected people through strengthening of essential primary health care and protection from gender based violenceIraq
Final Evaluation2020MHPSSMedecins Du MondeStrengthen the longer-term resilience of refugees and migrants by improving the level of their emotional, mental and physical wellbeingTurkey
Mid-term Evaluation2020HealthMalteser InternationalMedical Assistance for conflict affected IDPs and resident population at the Turkish-Syrian borderSyria
Final Evaluation2019HealthCare InternationalImprovement of maternal and child health in return areas in Northern IraqIraq
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